Catching Up!

Shortly after Chloe arrived our computer crashed. In the interim we used Matt's work laptop but did not install the software to download our photos. We are up and running again with a new laptop and we hope to keep you all updated more frequently. This post is Chloe up till almost 3 weeks. More pictures to follow as she's now 10 weeks and so much has changed!

Now a family of four!

Pappy and Grammy taking a stroll during their visit.

Grammy with her new Granddaughter

Grammy plays with what Noah calls "Bubble juice"

A rumpus in the playroom during a visit from Carolyn, Nolan and Lyra

Its not just the angle, Noah really don't look monstrously large next to Chloe

After a heavy rain the boys stomped in puddles and admired the full double rainbow

Chloe loves her bath time

but nothing beats sleeping time in the early days...

Noah had a good time with Uncle Marc

Grampy shows Noah how to work some electronics but we all know it won't be long before Noah is schooling us on the latest gadget.

The typical look 20 hrs a day

Grampy with his new Granddaughter


The Rice's said...

Love the new pics!! Ca't wait to meet her!!! She is precious. Noah looks like he is a big helper!

Bridgette said...

Yay, for more pics. It's also nice to see more of your new house. So looking forward to snuggling on Chloe and seeing you all! How did you do this background on your blog?